Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

The shoulder area is prone to injury, especially if you are an athlete or if you lift weights. When shoulder pain arises, it’s recommended that you stop the exercise and seek help as soon as possible. If you are concerned about your shoulders, our team at Global Clinic can help. We offer injectable treatments and physical therapy to get your body back in shape.


What Causes Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder pain can be attributed to a range of causes. Common causes include:

  • Tendon inflammation due to bursitis or tendinitis.
  • A tendon tear.
  • Fracture (broken bone).
  • Instability.
  • Arthritis.

Identifying the cause of your pain is paramount to providing you with the proper treatment. When you arrive, we will evaluate your condition carefully to ensure we come to the correct diagnosis.

Doctor addressing a patient's shoulder pain

Services for Shoulder Pain

The way we address your pain will depend on the cause of the issue and the extent of the injury. We will provide pain management services and physical therapy treatments based on your needs. We can also offer cortisone injections to alleviate some pain and inflammation. 

What Results Can I Expect?

Depending on the severity of your injury, you may have to wear a sling for several weeks. Cortisone injections can alleviate pain and inflammation for about 48 hours. Physical therapy can reduce the time it takes to heal and educate you on how to avoid future injuries.

Find Care for Shoulder Pain in the greater Chicago area

Finding relief from shoulder pain just got a lot easier. At Global Clinic, we offer a range of physical therapy services to get you back on track. Contact us today by filling out the contact form below or calling us at (847) 299-7000. We look forward to helping you feel better!


Request Appointment

If you’re searching for relief and support, look no further. Global Clinic has been serving Northern Chicago for over 20 years, and we’re here to serve you too. To get in touch, simply fill out our contact form or give us a call at (847) 299-7000.